Adult Evangelization and Catechesis: Study, Faith Sharing and Fellowship


Our Mission

To support the Parish commitment to "One God, One People in Christ, One Community of Love Guided by the Holy Spirit to Impact Lives. To achieve this by deepening our relationship with the Trinity, promoting knowledge of our Catholic Faith and achieving a greater sense of Community with others.

Our Authority

"The Church's Magisterium exercises the authority it holds from Christ to the fullest extent when it defines dogmas, that is, when it proposes, in a form obliging the Christian people to an irrevocable adherence of faith, truths contained in divine revelation or also when it proposes, in a definitive way, truths having a necessary connection with these" (CC §88).


Adult Faith Formation is responsible for creating and sustaining events and programs that nurture the development of mature faith in adult Catholics. The American bishops have stated that the education and Christian formation of adults must be a priority for the Church. Therefore, at St. Catherine of Alexandria, we provide many opportunities for spiritual growth and education, which should lead to greater appreciation of the richness of our Catholic faith and traditions, and to deeper commitment to putting our energies to work in spreading the Good News of Jesus. The Adult Evangelization and Catechesis ministry is open to the organization of new activities and groups. If you recognize a need or have ideas, or would like more information please contact,

                                                Olivia Wiseman (951) 781-9855

Daily Rosary

Meets each evening at 7 p.m. via the parish Facebook page and via Zoom. To participate by phone on Zoom, call 669-900-9128.

To join the Zoom Rosary, use this link:

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Meeting ID: 848 7071 4466

Passcode: 803585

External link opens in new tab or windowJoyful MysteriesJoyful Mysteries  Sorrowful MysteriesSorrowful Mysteries 

External link opens in new tab or windowGlorious MysteriesGlorious Mysteries External link opens in new tab or windowLuminous MysteriesLuminous Mysteries


Bible Study

If you're interested in joining Dr. Bob Ferrett; please send him an email at External link opens in new tab or with the word "Join" in the subject line in order to join our many parishioners who receive an email each Sunday morning with links to internet sites for the study of the Sunday Scripture readings. 

It includes weekly videos by Bishop Robert Barron and scripture scholars such as Dr. Brant Pitre and members of the Augustine Institute at Formed."

Our Vision

The term "Article of faith" (De fide) is used to identify the chief truths which Christians must hold. Articles of Faith are the fundamental principles, which the Catholic accepts as absolute truth, without discussion as being certain and sure by virtue of the authority of God. All adult Catholics should have an understanding of these truths. As Catholics, we believe that we are saved by the grace of God which we accept in faith and live out in knowledge of His Word, in love of Him and His people, and in service to our faith community and the greater community. To fulfill this, we believe it is important to attend missions, retreats, workshops, and seminars; to be educated in the catechism of the Catholic Church and other Catholic materials; to read, pray, and understand the Bible and the Church's commentaries on it; and to gather as one people in faith. Our Vision is to involve the entire world in this endeavor, starting in our own parish.

Interested in becoming Catholic? Want to complete your Sacraments?

OCIA is for individuals who have never been baptized, for those who have been baptized in another Christian faith who want to become Catholic, and for Catholics who have been baptized but have not received their other Sacraments.

    OC I AOC I A

  • Eucharistic Adorations
  • Bible Studies
  • Small Faith Groups
  • Advent and Lenten Missions
  • Lenten Soup Suppers
  • Retreats and Workshops
  • Catholic Men's and Women's Fellowship
  • Prayer Groups

Eucharistic Adoration/Prayer Hour

Its purpose is to set aside seven hours on First Fridays, to show our appreciation for the gift of God’s presence in our lives. These hours are spent in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, in the church. They are private, personal, powerful and peaceful. Parishioners and visitors are welcome to sign-up for an hour of prayer with the Lord.

Catholic Men’s Fellowship (CMF)

​​​2nd Tuesday 7 PM and 4th Saturday 9 AM in the Ministry Center Room 2. This is a gathering of men who pray, share scripture, support one another, energize their beliefs and build Christ-centered friendships. (This is not a service organization.) Please check bulletin for more information.

Small Faith Groups

Matthew 18:20 says: "For where two or three are gathered  together in my
name, there am I in the midst of them.


Through community we can encounter Christ. By encountering Him in this way, we can recharge with one another during the week to continue living the Gospel. We were created for relationship and community!  One of the best ways we can grow and bring together faith and our daily lives is through being part of a small group made up of others from the same worshiping community.

Small Faith Communities are made up of individuals and families of all ages who meet in small groups in their homes to share their faith and to pray together. Jesus invites us all "to Come and See" the exciting possibilities of a Small Christian Sharing Community.  Deep friendships and support from a small group community can be God's way of carrying you through tough times and magnifying your joys!

Typically there are 8-12 members in a group who meet anywhere between once a week to once a month. Groups meet in a private home.  During their time together, members engage in hospitality, dive into scripture, pray, and share their own faith journeys. Groups meet regularly at times that are convenient for them. Please consider joining or starting a group! ​If you are interested in either being in a Small Faith Group, leading a Small Faith Group or Hosting a Small Faith Group in your home, please contact: Marcus Jones at 951-781-9855 Ext. 33