Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima Group
Description: Responds to the requests of Our Blessed Mother to three children in Fatima, Portugal in 1917, to help save souls and bring peace to the world. It promotes Eucharistic prayer and the Rosary, as well as penance.
Needs: Time Commitment: Meets weekly to pray the Rosary.
Contact: Monday evening, Elissa Fruciano: (951) 689-5328
Marriage Encounter
Description: Diocesan marriage preparation weekend.
Needs: Monthly meetings and occasional weekends
Contact: Jack and Jacqueline Blanco: (951)906-5115
Fellowship of Catholic Christian Women
Description: A non-Parish Ministry composed of Catholic Christian Women who meet twice monthly to pray, discuss their faith from a feminine perspective in the context of reading materials, and support one another through a common faith.
Contact: Christine Plattner: (951)788-8275
Catholic Charities-Caritas Counseling
Contact: (951)689-1803
Catholic Men's Fellowship
Description: Were a small faith group where men can share there problems and their successes. Anonymity is key to the groups existence. Come gather with us for fellowship and meet your brothers within the parish. Join in prayer, scriptures and song to begin your spiritual journey in learning to be closer to God on a daily basis.
We normally meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in Room 1 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and the 4th Saturday of the month in Room 2 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Meet twice a month.
St. Catherine of Alexandria Ministry Center
7005 Brockton Ave.
Riverside, CA 92506
Our group is meeting online via Zoom because of current restrictions on social gatherings during the Covid-19 pandemic. Please make sure that organizers have your email address so they can send you an invitation to participate. See contact information below.
We meet regularly to offer fellowship to the men of the parish. Meeting regularly gives accountability to one another to continue coming to the meetings. The importance of these meetings is to help men get closer to God on a daily basis and to transform their heart and mind to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Contact: Robert Lucero
Knights of Columbus
Description: Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization
Serves parishes as needed, especially through fundraising.
Needs: Time Commitment: Varies
Contact: Corbin De Lapp, Grand Knight
Knights of Peter Claver
Contact: Knights: Paul Ramey: (951)321-9417
Ladies: Barbara William: (951)258-8036
Lay Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
Lay MSC meet to pray and to focus on the spirituality of the heart.
For information, call (951)369-9228. Visit the MSC website.
Riverside Life Services
Contact: (951)784-2422
Sacred Heart Retreat House
Serra Club
Contact: John and Ursula Dudley: (951)687-8097
St. Jude's Wire Benders
Description: A rosary making group
Supply rosaries to missions, CCD classes, and any other requests.
Needs: Anyone interested in learning how to make a rosary and help us promote our Ministry. Time Commitments: Meet every Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at the Youth House.
Contact: Nancy Fowler (951)683-5981
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Description: As Catholic Christians we are called to participate in the 'two feet' of Social Concerns: advocacy and direct service. This ministry, although separate from the parish, serves in the latter capacity.
We respond to the needs of individuals and families by providing emergency short-term material assistance, such as food, utility bill payment, and limited financial assistance in an emergency.
Needs: You can help them with a contribution to St. Vincent de Paul. Volunteers continue to staff the society's help line, to make deliveries of food and, with your generous contributions, to provide financial assistance to those in need. Your check can be made out to Society of St. Vincent de Paul - SCA" and mailed or delivered during office hours to the parish Ministry Center, 7005 Brockton Ave., Riverside, CA 92506.
Contact: To request assistance from St. Vincent de Paul, please call (951)684-7386