L I T U R G Y & W O R S H I P
The purpose of the Liturgy/Worship and Liturgical ministries is to create worship opportunities that are conducive to deep spiritual encounters with God.
Goal: To provide all members of our community with a variety of opportunities to thank, praise, and worship God in a spirit of joy and love.
Liturgical Ministries
Description: Provide ministry assistance to the liturgy, including the ministries of Altar Server, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Lector, and Sacristan.
Altar Care
Assist in the washing, ironing, folding, and returning of linen purificators for weekday and weekend Masses and for any special feast day or season like Advent, Lent, Christmas and Easter. May also undertake special projects like laundering and pressing the Altar Server robes.
Contact: Contact Liturgy Office 951.683.0800 ext. 14
Altar Server
Servers assist the priest at the Mass on Sundays, Holy Days of Obligation and daily Masses. Servers should be mature enough to understand their responsibilities and carry them out well and with appropriate reverence. They should be Baptized, have already received Holy Communion for the first time, and normally receive the Eucharist whenever they participate in the Liturgy. Servers should be at least 10 years old.
Lectors or Readers are the lay ministers who proclaim the first and second readings at Mass. They are the medium through which God’s word is communicated to the assembly. It is a response to our baptismal call to serve our faith community. Lectors must be one in faith with the Church and lead a lifestyle that shows a commitment to the Catholic Christian way of life. They must show a willingness to learn more about the liturgy as it relates to the life of the Church.
The goal of this ministry is to enhance the community’s experience during Mass and during other visits to St. Catherine's church building through the way the physical environment can express and support the movements of the Church’s year. The team assist in liturgical environment preparation of the church, including ordering and placement of flowers, altar cloths, banners, and a like for liturgies and seasons.
Needs: Need team members to assist in various areas of church environment, preparing the entry ways and the worship space.
Time Commitment: One hour per week, plus additional time for special feasts.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion distributes Holy Communion, as a minister of the Holy host or minister of the cup at Mass. Special ministers of the Body and Blood of Christ are to help, by their service and example, to build up the Eucharistic worship of the Church. Their service is given to the sacrament "of immense love" which Christ has given to the whole Church.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to the Sick
An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion distributes Holy Communion, carries the host to the sick, homebound, or hospitalized. Special ministers of the Body and Blood of Christ are to help, by their service and example, to build up the Eucharistic worship of the Church. Their service is given to the sacrament "of immense love" which Christ has given to the whole Church.
Contact For more information about the Ministry to the Sick: David McClintock at (951) 990-6862.
Anointing of the Sick/sick calls by our priests:
During office hours: 951-781-9855.After-hours emergency: 951-683-0800 ext. 25.
Singing is without question the most excellent form of prayer and, according to St. Augustine, by singing we pray twice.
Description: Provides opportunities to lead the Assembly worship at Mass through song and music. Works under the direction of the Music Coordinator.
Needs: Need Musicians and choir members for various liturgies throughout the year.
Time Commitment: Varies, two hours per week rehearsal, 1.25 hours on weekend, plus additional time for special feasts.
A Sacristan is a person in charge of the sacristy and church related ceremonial equipment. The role of the sacristan is to oversee and keep in good order the worship space (including the sanctuary, the nave, and the gathering area) and the sacristy. They must have a reverence for the sanctuary and for all articles and sacred vessels used in worship and liturgical activities. The sacristan is the person who is appointed by the Pastor and Director of Liturgy to be available to prepare everything needed for the liturgy.
When people come to church, they experience not only the service, but the people associated with the faith community. We want the experience to be warm and welcoming. Our ushers are a part of that experience. They communicate a sense of belonging to the parishioners and are an important extension of the Church and the Catholic family. They welcome churchgoers, guide them to the pews and assists at the Masses with the collection and distribution of the Sunday bulletin.
Needs: Team members willing to commit to serving at one liturgy on a regular basis.
Time Commitment: One and one half hour per week.
Liturgical Ministries Need: Team members are needed in all ministries and at all liturgies. Time commitment varies, two to four hours per week.
Contact: Liturgy Office (951) 683.0800 ext. 14 or liturgyoffice24@yahoo.com
Liturgy Director: Fr. Ephraim Arciga, MSC
Liturgy Coordinator: Diana Nelson