The African American Ministry is the voice of the Black Catholic community in the parish of St. Catherine of Alexandria Riverside, California. The ministry attends to the needs and aspirations of Black Catholics regarding issues of pastoral ministry, evangelization, social justice, worship, development of leaders and other areas of concern. The ministry also seeks to be a resource for the Priests and parishioners of St. Catherine of Alexandria. It aims to articulate the socio-cultural dimension of the Black Catholic community and identify or create resources that would allow for an authentic integration of the richness of Black Catholic culture and the Catholic Church at St. Catherine’s.
Contact: Marcus Jones or Estella Rideaux (951) 780-9855
The National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus (NBCCC) of the United States voted on Tuesday, July 24, 1990, while meeting in convention at Fordham University in New York, to establish November as Black Catholic History Month. The reason behind the selection of the month of November was the number of important dates to Catholics of African descent that fell within this month.
The first celebration of Black Catholic History Month began in November of 1990 in various cities in the United States with the celebration of St. Martin de Porres feast day. The liturgy celebrated the 350th anniversary of St. Martin’s transition from this life to eternal life. In Detroit on this day in 1990, Archbishop Adam Maida, the local Archbishop, was the celebrant for the Mass. Also present was the President of the NBCCC, Bro. Roy Smith, OSC. The Mass was held at St. Anthony Church. In the world today there are 200 million people of African descent in the Roman Catholic Church throughout the world.
St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish hosted a special Mass on Nov. 23, 2019.
The Gospel Choir sang at the Mass. You can see video highlights here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fErMeHPWilY
Deacon Donald Norris, who works within the Diocese of San Bernardino, delivered the homily, reflecting on the unique role of Africans and African Americans in the Catholic Church. You can read his homily here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7fJtzjMLp8
Links and Information:
Knights of Peter Claver, Inc.
1825 Orleans Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana 70116
Email: info@kofpc.orgwww.kofpc.org
The National Black Catholic Congress, Inc.
320 Cathedral Street Baltimore, MD 21201-4421
Tel: 410.547.8496
Fax: 410.752.3958
Email: nbcc@nbccongress.orgnbccongress.org